ChatGPT Alternatives: The Guide to AI Chatbot Solutions (2024)

ChatGPT Alternatives: The Guide to AI Chatbot Solutions (2024)

ChatGPT offers a new way to communicate with artificial intelligence and get help with everyday tasks.

Its astute natural language understanding and deep learning algorithms help it to understand what you’re saying, even when conversations get complicated.

However, ChatGPT is one of many available chatbots – many alternatives can help you with your communication needs.

In this article, I’ll explore the top ChatGPT alternatives, helping you decide which is best for you.

What is the best ChatGPT Alternative?

Here are some of the best ChatGPT alternatives.

1. Jasper Chat.

Best ChatGPT Alternative.

jasper homepage

Jasper Chat draws upon an impressive database of billions of articles, forums, video transcripts, and content to provide engaging conversations about mundane and complex topics.

Plus, it can be personalized by chatting in one’s native language and includes 29 languages.

Jasper Chat stands out from other chatbot platforms because it provides an incredibly natural conversational experience.

Thanks to its advanced natural language processing capabilities, it can understand context and sentiment within conversations.

With Jasper Chat, users can engage in meaningful conversations with an “intelligent friend” who is always available to listen and provide thoughtful responses.

Key Features:

japer features
  • Generate content in 29 languages so you can reach customers in the language they understand and prefer.
  • Jasper Chat can generate helpful, applicable, and accurate information to help customers make decisions.
  • Jasper has expansive knowledge of niche and complex topics, allowing for a more natural conversational experience.
  • The chatbot interface has a familiar design that’s easy to use, making the experience more enjoyable for customers.
  • After only 2 minutes from your signup time, you can be ready to serve your customers better.

User Experience:

jasper chat ux

Ask Jasper Chat a question, and it will provide an answer in natural language.

The platform can also adapt quickly to new situations, making it perfect for almost any situation – from customer service inquiries to educational purposes.


jasper pricing

Jasper offers two pricing plans:

  • Boss Mode – Starts at $49/mo, with access to the full features.
  • Business – Custom plan & price for specific needs and requirements.

What I Like/Dislike About Jasper Chat


  • Users can customize the inputs and outputs for any customer service inquiry.
  • Jasper Chat has a familiar chat interface, making it easy to use.


  • The platform provides less output data than others, even when asked to expand on complex questions.

Product Updates:

  • Jasper Chat can now create images within the chat interface, providing a one-stop shop for conversation and visuals.

2. OpenAI Playground.

Best For Unfiltered Ai Output.

playground homepage

The OpenAI Playground is an incredible tool that makes exploring the power of artificial intelligence more accessible than ever.

With this platform, developers can create unique applications using GPT-3 merely by providing prompts in plain English.

Through its intuitive user interface, users not only have the ability to engage in conversation with a bot but also write stories or even brainstorm new concepts for TV shows.

With the OpenAI Playground, you can set parameters such as repetition frequency and temperature settings which control how logical the response from GPT-3 is.

These settings allow users to adjust their output, so it’s as creative or logical as they need it to be.

Key Features:

playground features
  • Q&A generation helps users come up with answers to their questions
  • Grammar correction ensures that the output is grammatically correct and free from errors.
  • Summarizing for a 2nd grader allows the AI to create simple, understandable summaries in plain English.
  • You can parse an unstructured dataset, allowing you to separate and categorize large amounts of text-based data swiftly.

User Experience:

openai playground ux

You can load up previous templates that help make the process even easier.

The platform has a familiar user interface with easy-to-use navigation and controls.


playground pricing

The pricing depends on the language model one chooses to use.

What I Like/Dislike About OpenAI Playground


  • With an OpenAI API key, users can access GPT-3 and all its features.
  • You can generate a lot of output quickly, even with little input.


  • The platform doesn’t auto-save, so you have to remember to save your work, or you may lose it.

Product Updates:

  • Unlike ChatGPT, the model used in OpenAI Playground experience little downtime, even though the same company is responsible for both products.

3. LaMDA.

Best For Answering Nuanced Questions.

lamda homepage

Google has recently taken revolutionary steps in the way of conversation technology with the development of its AI chatbot, LaMDA.

This advanced chatbot can understand and respond to nuanced questions.

This ability makes it a perfect alternative for customers seeking an engaging conversation experience.

LaMDA utilizes two-stage training—pre-training followed by fine-tuning—to produce responses while maintaining accuracy against known facts from external sources.

It uses large amounts of text data during pre-training to build a language model that can generate natural and grammatically correct sentences.

In fine-tuning, LaMDA takes an existing language model and then trains on task-specific data and other contextual information, such as user intent or sentiment.

This results in more accurate predictions and better handling of dialogue contexts.

By having access to this type of training, LaMDA can provide relevant answers beyond simple keyword searches or programmed responses.

Key Features:

  • LaMDA, or Language Models for Dialog Application, was created by Google to enable software to engage in natural conversations.
  • The platform centers around the same transformer architecture as other language models, such as BERT and GPT-3.
  • LaMDA is excellent at maintaining conversation flow.
  • During output generation, quality metrics ensure sensibleness, specificity & interestingness of response, safety objectives check for unintended bias, and groundedness checks accuracy against external world claims.

User Experience:

lamda ux

After you prime the platform with the right inputs, LaMDA’s user experience is quite impressive.

It can understand nuanced questions and engage in natural conversations that make it feel like you are talking to a real person.


Each one million requests will cost you $0.20 every month.

The good news is that Lambda offers a free tier of up to 1 million monthly requests.

As for temporary storage charges, each GB-second requires only $0.0000000309 per month, with 512 MB given at no extra cost.

What I Like/Dislike About Lamda


  • Pay only for your computing power, so you don’t have to pay a penny more.
  • With cloud computing, you can scale your computing capacity to match your workload’s needs.


  • Getting started is more challenging than other platforms found within this list.

Product Updates:

  • Public members now have access to interact with Google’s advanced AI chatbot. Before, only a select group of developers and researchers got to explore and use the technology.

4. Character AI.

Best For Character-Based Conversations. homepage

Have you ever wanted to create an AI-driven character with a personality that is as unique as your own?

Character.AI offers two different modes for creating your AI character.

The Quick Mode allows users to build their character in minutes.

For those seeking more control over their characters’ behavior, Advanced Mode offers a deeper dive into AI character creation.

Users get more flexibility in perfecting their characters’ personalities.

The Attributes mode allows users to customize the look of their characters while also determining how they interact with others.

With this feature, users can easily change the color of their hair, eyes, skin tone, and face shape and even add facial expressions like smiles or frowns.

Small changes can significantly affect how the Character looks and feels during conversations.

Training mode lets you engage your character through conversations that will help them learn and grow.

You can even use star ratings to evaluate each conversation so that your character knows what areas they need improvement on.

Key Features:

character features
  • Quick Mode allows for fast character creation
  • Their advanced method provides more control over character behaviors
  • Attributes mode customizes the look of the character
  • Training mode engages the character through conversations and evaluates each conversation with star ratings
  • Context mode takes into account environmental factors when responding
  • There are various AI themes, such as helpers, games, image generation, VTubers, game characters, and more.

User Experience:

charcterai ux

With preset characters and questions you can ask them, Character.AI makes it easy for users to create specific conversations with ease.


The current beta is free to use.

What I Like/Dislike About Character.AI


  • It’s a lot of fun to chat with the AI characters and ask questions.
  • There are a good number of characters to choose from.


  • The conversation can be one-tracked, as the characters only respond within the parameters the platform trained them on.

Product Updates:

  • There is now a community section where users can share their characters and chats with others and get feedback from other users.

5. ManyChat.

Best Business Chatbot.

manychat homepage

ManyChat allows businesses to connect with customers in an innovative, high-engaging way.

One of the unique features of ManyChat is its drag-and-drop interface.

It is straightforward for people to create automated conversations and set up their workflow from scratch without prior coding knowledge or experience.

Even better, the drag n’ drop builder is entirely customizable, allowing users to tailor their messaging campaigns based on their company’s needs, wants, and goals.

With its unique combination of intuitive design and powerful automation tools, ManyChat achieves click-through rates significantly higher than industry averages.

Not only does this result in increased customer engagement, but it also translates into higher conversion rates.

Key Features:

manychat features
  • Automate conversations and set up workflows easily with the drag n’ drop builder
  • Drive sales with click-through rates higher than industry averages
  • Get more leads with automated messages.
  • Choose your channel from multiple popular messaging options, such as SMS, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and others
  • Engage prospects and convert them into paying customers with customized, automated messages

User Experience:

manychat ux

Creating a sequence of automated conversations is incredibly easy with ManyChat, as using the drag-and-drop builder allows setting up workflows in minutes.


manychat pricing

ManyChat offers these pricing plans:

  • Free: $0 per month
  • Pro: $15 per month

What I Like/Dislike About ManyChat:


  • ManyChat is excellent for lead generation when using Facebook ads and powering automated conversations.
  • With one-step integrations that help to set up workflows easily, businesses can quickly create customized customer engagement strategies.


  • ManyChat has limited integration channels, which restricts how you can do business.

Product Updates:

  • ManyChat now offers a free video course that helps users understand the basics of creating and optimizing automated conversations.

6. Chatsonic.

Best For Social Media Insights.

writesonic homepage

ChatSonic is an excellent tool for crafting social media posts or campaigns.

Developed by the same company that built Writesonic, this AI chatbot can generate factual trending content in real-time.

As it can also create stunning digital artwork, the platform is ideal for anyone needing a reliable AI chatbot.

It is straightforward and provides powerful real-time insights into trends without manual effort.

You can quickly craft stunning digital artwork or write an engaging blog post on the fly to keep up with current trends and capture your audience’s attention.

Its voice command feature makes it incredibly easy to interact with your customers and understands their needs better.

ChatSonic also has a clever Chrome extension, a handy tool for those seeking an efficient way to work online.

Key Features:

  • Voice responses and comments help you achieve success with ChatSonic’s powerful voice features.
  • Write anywhere and everywhere with the help of their handy Chrome extension.
  • Generate AI Art in real-time to capture your audience’s attention and keep up with current trends.
  • Personality avatars make it easy to interact with customers for better results.
  • API access allows for deeper insights into customer interactions
  • Current events and trends are automatically detected so you can stay up to date with what’s happening


writesonic pricing

ChatSonic offers three pricing plans:

  • Free trial: $0
  • Long-form: $12.67
  • Custom plan: tailored to your needs

7. Engati.

Best For Various Business Chatbots.

engati homepage

Engati helps businesses generate leads, increase conversions, and reduce response time.

Engati’s AI chatbots provide lead-generation support with personalized conversations, helping efficiently manage communication overload.

They also provide detailed insights on customer engagement.

With advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, they can answer complex queries quickly and accurately.

Plus, they are highly scalable – so as your business grows, so does their capacity to meet customer needs.

Their live chat abilities also provide the perfect balance between automation and real-time human interaction.

Key Features:

  • Their Whatsapp chatbot allows businesses to engage with customers on the most popular messaging platform in the world.
  • The Shopify chatbot helps them manage customer inquiries across multiple web, mobile, and social media channels.
  • With their Instagram chatbot, companies can answer queries related to products or services by providing relevant images and videos.
  • Live chat provides the perfect balance between automation and real-time human interaction, allowing businesses to connect with customers immediately when needed.
  • Omnichannel engagement allows companies to reach out to customers across multiple platforms, such as the web, mobile, and social media,


engati pricing

Engati offers three pricing plans: Standard, Enterprise, and Partner.

You’ll have to request a custom quote for the exact cost.

ChatGPT alternatives not mentioned in this article include Amazon Lex, Deepmind, Gopher by DeepMind, Microsoft AI, Replike, and YouChat.

What Is A ChatGPT Alternative?

A ChatGPT alternative is an AI-powered technology that provides accurate answers to user queries through natural language processing (NLP).

With the ability to provide conversational responses tailored to the user’s needs, these alternatives help businesses engage with customers more efficiently and effectively.

The top ChatGPT alternatives offer high-quality content generation capabilities, advanced analytics, and insights to increase conversions and reduce response time.

All of these utilize artificial intelligence to improve customer service and streamline operations.

Key Features Of ChatGPT Alternatives

Here are the main features that make ChatGPT alternatives stand out from the competition.

Great User Experience

ChatGPT has revolutionized everything from social media platforms to customer service operations with its innovative user input capabilities.

Such user input can help the AI produce more accurate and natural-sounding responses, offering a great user experience.

Using a suitable ChatGPT alternative means finding a writing assistant to help with human-like writing tasks.

The emergence of neural language models resulted in more accurate answers to user queries and improved natural language understanding capabilities.

Conversational Responses

Conversational AI is an exciting advancement in customer service automation.

While using ChatGPT as a text generation system produces human-like content, other alternatives might offer voice recognition and better natural language processing capabilities.

Many tools allow for conversational interactions between customers and AI agents, featuring functions such as voice commands, sentiment analysis, and automated responses.

These features allow businesses to provide customers with a more personalized experience, resulting in increased customer loyalty.

Omnichannel Support

Omnichannel support makes customer service more efficient.

This feature enables customers to reach businesses from any device and provides round-the-clock assistance with an entirely digitized system.

Moreover, ChatGPT provides powerful features for Android, iPhone, or any iOS device, making it easy for customers to contact businesses through various platforms.

This feature allows businesses to provide customers with a more personalized experience, resulting in increased customer loyalty.

As startups and business veterans forge new frontiers in customer service, ChatGPT is an effective and comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes.

Voice Commands

As things stand, users can access the ChatGPT platform with just a few clicks and take advantage of its features.

However, those wanting to use their voice to communicate with artificial intelligence might find it hard to do.

As chatbot technology adapts, ChatGPT platform alternatives will allow voice input to ensure that voice-activated AI systems can answer customer inquiries quickly and accurately.

This feature provides customers with an automated response while giving businesses peace of mind knowing they are providing the best possible service.

Customizable User Interface

ChatGPT is not exactly customizable, as users have to stick with a standard design.

A suitable ChatGPT alternative is one that not only offers a writing assistant but also offers a user interface where users can customize the look, feel, and function of their chatbot.

Whether it’s the ability to write code in a specific editor, add custom elements, or create a library of frequently asked questions, a customized user interface makes it easier for customers to navigate the feature-rich platform.


ChatGPT is an advanced AI chatbot that can provide businesses with powerful features such as analytics, customer segmentation, and automated responses.

Being an open-source platform, one would expect ChatGPT to integrate easily with other systems, but this isn’t always the case.

However, unless you are a developer and know how to code, the integrations that ChatGPT offers aren’t the easiest to understand and implement.

As great ChatGPT alternatives use a powerful AI model to deliver advanced analytics, businesses must consider integration options when selecting the best platform.

This consideration helps them serve their customers better and streamline operations.

Real-Time Trend Insights

When it comes to machine learning, detecting real-time trends is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead of their competitors.

While ChatGPT can collect and analyze data quickly, its data is only valid until 2021, which leaves significant gaps in the factuality of its outputs.

Research Citations

Citations help validate research and support the engaging content you are producing.

Having citations within a piece of content adds credibility and trustworthiness to the content.

Various ChatGPT alternatives can now link to the webpages where they get up-to-date information.

The Importance Of Using The Right Prompts

In life, the questions you ask often dictate the answers you get.

ChatGPT is no different.

Using prompts that generate better output, help establish conversation context, and guide AI to the correct conclusion can make conversations more natural and lifelike.

Here are the top reasons why better inputs lead to better outputs when using ChatGPT and its alternatives.

Generate Better Output

AI tools have rapidly evolved with the advent of OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, giving users an improved level of conversational competence over earlier versions of ChatGPT.

With GPT 3.5 already an improved model over GPT-3, users can expect even better output as OpenAI continues to refine its model.

Establish Context For Conversations

The proper prompts ensure the AI knows what you (and it) are talking about and produces meaningful and relevant results.

The context of these prompts allows the AI to draw upon more information when responding and provides a deeper understanding than generic queries or statements.

Whether you create Facebook ad copy, customer service conversations, or develop chatbot code, OpenAI’s GPT-3 model continues to expand its ability to generate meaningful and accurate responses through the right context.

Help Guide AI To The Correct Conclusion

By providing an AI tool with the appropriate prompts at the outset of a conversation, users can often direct it toward a more desirable outcome than if they had asked it a general question.

Such an outcome could ultimately mean sharing helpful information with customers or improving customer engagement and satisfaction.

Overall, having better inputs provides better outputs in ChatGPT conversations.

What Can Users Create With ChatGPT Alternatives?

Leveraging artificial intelligence is critical to optimizing user experience when utilizing ChatGPT alternatives.

Here are some things that users have already been able to create with AI.

Automated Customer Service Chatbot

An automated customer service AI chatbot is a powerful tool that one can use to provide 24/7 customer service.

As businesses streamline processes and plan for a digital future, an automated customer service chatbot using personas that resonate with customers can increase customer engagement and satisfaction.

ChatGPT alternatives can provide prompt responses that compare favorably with those of a human customer service representative.

At the same time, they also offer personalized interaction and guidance tailored toward each customer’s needs.

Online Marketing Tools

AI-based online marketing tools such as ChatGPT alternatives can provide invaluable insights into customer behavior, trends, and preferences.

By understanding customers’ needs better, companies can tailor their offerings to create more effective marketing campaigns that drive conversions and increase revenue.

ChatGPT alternatives can be used to create relevant content for promotional campaigns and help improve website traffic by targeting specific audiences based on their interests, behaviors, and other data points.

AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

AI-powered virtual assistants provide a more efficient way to obtain information and take action.

ChatGPT alternatives use cases include those with scheduling software, reminders, alerts, and more tasks.

For example, ChatGPT users can set up automated conversations with virtual assistants that respond to customer inquiries or ask questions about a particular product or service.

Then the bot can help the customer pick the right product and cover fulfillment.

Ecommerce Support Bots

Selling online has never been easier, thanks to the help of ecommerce support bots powered by ChatGPT and its alternatives.

From starting an ecommerce store to delivering products, these AI tools can quickly and accurately answer questions and customer queries.

Whether the question is regarding orders, shipping times, returns policies, or anything else, AI bots have the answer.

Plus, they can suggest products based on customers’ browsing habits.

Facebook Ad Copy

One can use the functionality of an AI-powered chatbot to create engaging and effective Facebook ad copy.

While AI writing tools could traditionally only generate introductory text, a suitable ChatGPT alternative also considers visual elements such as images, colors, and fonts.

Creating compelling content that educates and guides prospects through the sales funnel is critical to driving conversions.

The right AI app will consider user interests, demographics, location, and more for genuinely personalized ad copy.

High-Quality Content

ChatGPT alternatives can quickly generate high-quality written content for those building a blogging business, writers, and other content creators.

Moreover, ChatGPT is a powerful image-generation tool, offering an excellent alternative to traditional image creation.

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization helps web owners to optimize their websites for better visibility on search engines and higher rankings in SERPs.

This technology can help take existing word balance, semantic analysis, keyword optimization, and more into account when optimizing content for SEO.

Considering sentiment analysis, ChatGPT alternatives can help improve website rankings organically.

Understanding what people are searching for on the web is essential for SEO success, and AI tools can make it easier to keep up with changing trends.

Wrap Up.

In conclusion, AI-powered ChatGPT alternatives can help businesses of all sizes optimize their customer service, marketing, content creation, and SEO while saving time and resources.

Though the use of AI in business operations is still in its early stages, there’s a high probability it will become increasingly popular in the coming years.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.